A more viable and intelligent solution to the problem that satisfies the NFCC’s guidance is to design and install a fire detection and alarm system in Chertsey, within the residential building, which we have found in the past to have saved more than 75% of the cost associated with a waking watch solution.
Plus, a fire alarm in Chertsey, is much more reliable because it detects a fire at the onset and can alert the whole building at once, making it more time efficient and logistically feasible when detecting a fire than waking watch.
The NFCC states in their Simultaneous Evacuation Guidance: “NFCC strongly recommends that where a change to a simultaneous evacuation is deemed appropriate and will be required for medium to long periods of time that a temporary common fire alarm system is installed. This is because a temporary common fire alarm, when designed, installed and maintained appropriately is a more reliable and cost-effective way to maintain a sufficient level of early detection. An appropriate communal fire alarm and detection system will generally provide more certainty that a fire will be detected and warned at the earliest opportunity rather than rely on using trained staff.”
The NFCC again released updated guidance on 1st October 2020 acknowledging that the initial guidance set out in 2017 was that “the installation of a common fire alarm was the preferable approach to waking watch”. Now, over three years later, many buildings identified as requiring urgent remediation still haven’t been rectified, and are still relying on solutions which are only suitable for short periods of time (i.e. waking watch).
Besides being cheaper and more effective at detecting and raising an alarm in the event of a fire?
The answer is: yes, of course!
Here’s more benefits outlined for you:
Chevron Alarms operate in Chertsey and can supply and install Fire Alarm Systems in Chertsey, to meet any requirement, e.g. Fire Certification of a building, Insurance recommendation, part of a Fire Precautions Risk Assessment or a Local Government requirement.
We are experienced at liaising with architects, fire safety officers and building contractors to ensure that the system is designed and installed to meet the specification required.
We offer full 24 hour call out facility in the event of any problems. To ensure that the Fire Alarm System is always in a fully operational condition, we offer full annual maintenance and service facility.
Chevron Alarms can design and install Fire Alarm systems in Chertsey to satisfy any requirement to protect either your home or business.